Tell Climate Polluters To Pay Up
Miamians have a right to know what they’ve already paid, and what protecting their homes and city will cost them in the future.
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Take the Florida Climate Pledge
Help us protect Florida whether you live here or not, we are all in this together!
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Join the movement for 100% renewable energy

Now more than ever before, mayors and local leaders must be at the forefront of moving America towards a more just and equitable country for all people.
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Miamians for Energy Freedom
Join our coalition, Miamians for Energy Freedom, in urging elected officials to stand up for Miami-Dade County residents. We deserve a contract that provides significant community benefits and helps propel us to a more renewable and affordable energy future.
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The U.S. National Climate Assessment declared Miami as a city most at risk to effects of sea level rise and climate change

Climate change and sea level rise continue to threaten the future of Miami-Dade’s coastline and water supply (Greenprint, 2010). The most recent U.S. National Climate Assessment declared Miami as a city most at risk to effects of sea level rise and climate change (2014). Florida Atlantic University’s methodology for projecting sea level rise predicts that South Florida will see a rise in sea level of about 3-7 inches by 2030 (FAU, 2012), which represents a significant increase from past projections. 

Now more than ever as we work to build people-centered solutions for living with sea level rise, it is critical that our community demand climate action from our elected leaders.

Who We Are

The Miami Climate Alliance

The Miami Climate Alliance works for equity and resilience by activating community through strategic action, increasing understanding of climate change as a threat to all forms of justice, and building urgency around our shared community well-being.


Florida Immigrant Coalition


The CLEO Institute is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, non-partisan organization exclusively dedicated to climate change education, engagement, and advocacy. We highlight the urgency and impact policy, while championing sustainable solutions for a resilient future:

Your donation helps fund free climate trainings to the community.

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The New Florida Majority is an independent organization working to increase the voting and political power of marginalized and excluded constituencies toward an inclusive, equitable, and just Florida.
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A Un Año del Huracán Maria: Puerto Rico No Se Olvida!

On Saturday, September 22, 2018, people from all over Florida and the country as a whole will be gathering in Palm Beach County Florida to commemorate the one-year anniversary of Hurricane Maria’s devastation of the island of Puerto Rico on September 20, 2017. 


SEPT 2018


the devestating impact of climate change on little haiti

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Fighting for a Better Florida

Join us in Bayfront Park on September 8th, 2018 for a special event that will help define the future of our city.